Drainergy (for shower-sink only) and in HeatBank

One-piece gasket-spacer  of  O-ring cord


Slit Sleeve


Pressure Tank


PVC Housing

Slit sleeve serves as the required double wall and vent path. It constantly constricts from weight of the water to maintain high ‘thermal contact conductivity’ as it and pipe thermally expand-contract.

Le manchon fendu sert de double paroi et de chemin d'évent requis. Il se resserre constamment du poids de l'eau pour maintenir une « conductivité de contact thermique » élevée au fur et à mesure que le tuyau s'étendent thermiquement.

Vertical Drainergy. Centering spacers establish optimum O-ring gasket compression, maintain its alignment, and in HeatBank, loosely cage full length thin plastic floating valve strips (see end view below)

HeatBank Cross-section end view


Warm water pumped out

200 litre+ plastic thermal storage fresh water tank

Cold water in

Available, accurate, see-through and take apart model (minus delivery pump)

Horizontal Drainergy

Thin metal angle in photo, precisely positions O-ring gasket all along slit for clamp assembly. It is then slid out for reuse.

HeatBank Cross-section side view. Pump not shown.


Clamps onto a drainpipe 

while it remains in use. 

Clamp sur un tuyau 

de vidange standard 

pendant l'utilisation.